Predatortour Web App
During the competition the participants use the Predatortour Web App. The participants will make pictures with this Predatortour Web App of their daily catches. Over the 3 competition days the pictures will be made & uploaded with the Predatortour Web App only.
The results of all teams will be shown in the Predatortour Web App at the live leaderboard. At this leaderboard you can follow your favorite team. Besides the live leaderboard you can find more features like: top catches, videos, sponsors, rules & regulations, web app explanation, program, tournament track and log in. The log in function is for participants use only. To use the Predatortour Web App as a spectator its not necessary to log in. For participants use, more information will be given in: rules & regulations.
You can download the Predatortour Web App for free in the App Store or Google Play Store. To run the Predatortour Web App in the best way, your smartphone requires the latest software update for iOS or Android.
For more information about the Predatortour Web App. Go to: Predatortour Web App.
Go to: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & Twitch
Predatortour Web app (Apple or Android) & live leader board